

Mount Union大学有一些特别的地方.  Students and alumni alike describe it as a sense of community and belonging – a place where bonds are formed, 梦想成真.  这很难用语言来表达, 但只有不可思议才能让它成为可能, 整个校园和整个紫色突袭者家族的支持社区.

Mount Union relies on its alumni 和朋友 to help keep this feeling alive and to continue a long tradition of excellence by asking them to give back in a variety of ways.



当你向威尼斯人app下载捐款时, 你们为今天的学生创造了成功的机会. The profound impact your support has on Mount Union can be seen across campus in our 最先进的设施, 教授们与渴望学习的学生们分享他们的专业知识时,课堂上充满了活力, and the excited smile of each new graduate as they embark upon a life filled with meaning and responsibility in their communities around the world.

Our Purple Raiders can look forward to a brighter and more vibrant future because of the support of our alumni, 父母, 员工, 和朋友. 你与众不同!


你的天赋改变了生活,帮助学生们为充实的生活做好准备, 有意义的工作, 负责任的公民, all while allowing them to concentrate on their education and helping keep Mount Union an affordable option for generations to come.

我代表我们的学生, 教师, 和工作人员, 我们深深地感谢每一个选择回馈自己时间的人, 人才, 投资今天的紫色突袭者, 未来的领导者. 


There are many ways to make an impact on the Mount Union大学 and its students. 考虑以下几点:


  1. 参与
  2. 支持在读学生
    • 在课堂上与学生分享你的专业知识, create or identify a job or internship experience for a student or recent graduate with the 职业发展办公室, or utilize your own special skill set to mentor students or further advance the University.
    • 持续捐献年度捐献给 联合山基金 或其他你感兴趣的领域,并分享你对Mount的爱 夺宝奇兵给.
  3. 留下遗产
    • 以捐赠奖学金或教师职位支持Mount Union, 另一只具名基金, 或者校园里有名字的建筑或教室.
    • 留下永恒的遗产 计划的礼物, 比如在遗产规划中加入联合山, 设立捐赠者建议基金, 或者建立礼物年金或信托.
  • 给在线



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    Mount Union大学

  • 其他捐赠选择


    探索许多其他方式向Mount Union大学赠送礼物.



家庭一直是鲍勃·韦克汉姆68年生活的中心. Bob applied to Mount Union because of a family connection through his uncle and cousin, 他们都出席了. “I decided that Mount Union was a good fit because of the smaller school size,” he said. 他一点也不知道一所小学校会对他的未来产生如此大的影响.

他在联合山的时候, 鲍勃成为了Alpha Tau Omega的兄弟,也是摔跤队的一员. “我在大一的时候不是一个很好的学生, but Mount Union made me feel valued and saw something in me that I didn’t necessarily see in myself.” 这个关系密切的社区像家人一样支持着他, 尽管他开玩笑说在大学里玩得太开心了, 他很早就发现了自己对教学和科学的热爱. 

毕业后, 鲍勃继续他的教育,并获得了两个硕士学位, 一个在教育领域,另一个在商业管理领域. 他在克利夫兰教书, Ohio for four years and then taught with the Department of Defense in Germany during the Cold War for another four years. “Teaching provided me with opportunities to see parts of the world – good and bad – that I otherwise would have never seen.” 

1977年,鲍勃从德国回来,开始了新的教育教科书销售生涯. Over the course of the next 35 years, Bob did a lot of traveling and relocating for business. To stay active, he took up running for exercise while on the road and began competing in marathons. Bob eventually ran a marathon in each of the 50 states and then set a goal to run a marathon on each continent. He completed marathons on the first five continents and then set his sights on Asia and Antarctica. 他的倒数第二场比赛是中国的长城马拉松. Finally, he endured the freezing cold temperatures, snow, and ice in the Antarctica Marathon. 2016年,在成功完成75场比赛后,他永远地挂起了跑鞋. 

今天,鲍勃和他的妻子凯伦住在 俄亥俄州Maineville. 他们有三个孩子和三个漂亮的孙子孙女住在附近. 

鲍勃选择每年从他的个人退休账户中拿出礼物来支持联合山基金. 尤宁山接受了, 社区像家人一样信任我, 尽管我遇到了许多困难. 回馈社会的感觉真好. If Mount hadn’t believed in me 50 years ago, then my life would have been completely different.”  

Bob’s financial advisor was the one who recommended he consider the IRA charitable rol爱r option to lower his taxable income. “Many don’t know that the opportunity is there, it’s simple, and something great to keep in mind,” 鲍勃解释. “鉴于我在生活中所经历的一切, 慈善捐款对我来说比30年前更有意义. 我觉得回馈协和山是我的责任, IRA的捐赠让我意识到我可以产生更大的影响.”


钻石圈 celebrates an extraordinary group of investors who share a similar vision, 激情, 爱, and honor for Mount Union through a lifetime of philanthropic dedication and involvement. This leadership giving society recognizes the loyalty of Mount Union’s most generous benefactors who have made lifetime gifts totaling $1 million or more. It is the profound commitment of Diamond Circle members that enables the University to not only sustain an enduring legacy of excellence, 成就, and pride but also help lay the foundation for what Mount Union will become in the future.
